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Governor Meetings

Below is a table of the meetings involving Governors during a typical academic year.

The Chair of Governors is required to Chair the main Corporation Meetings, Strategy Days and Remuneration, Search and Governance Committee.

Meeting Key Points to Note Current Practice of Chair’s role
Corporation Board Meetings 4 or 5 / year

2-hour duration

Face to face revolving around the three main college campuses

Governors’ Strategy Days 1 full day in May

I full day in November


Academic Standards, Quality and Development Committee.

4 x 2-hour online meetings per academic year


2x 2 hour online deep dive sessions/ year


Attendance as member of committee
Finance and Resources Committee 4 x 2-hour online meetings per academic year


Attendance as member or committee
Audit Committee 3 x 2-hour online meetings per year Attendance as observer
Remuneration Committee 1 x I hour on line meeting / year Chair
Governance and Search Committee 1x 1-hour online meeting/ year Chair


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