Information for Parents & Guardians
The start of college life is an exciting time for our students. By choosing BMet, they are opening up a wealth of opportunities to aid them in their future lives and careers.
Be informed and find information for parents and guardians through Proportal, offering access to ‘live’ data about your son’s/daughter’s progress. On starting college life, your son or daughter will have been issued a user name and password for you to access the Proportal.
Parents/Guardians, click the button below to access Proportal.

Students are much more likely to be successful in their studies if an effective partnership exists between them, their tutors and their parents or guardians. BMet welcomes parental help in supporting students to attend and achieve to their full potential.
Before your son or daughter applies, you are welcome to come and see what we have to offer. Our colleges are spread throughout Birmingham and have a unique feel; one will suit your child’s needs and be located close to where you live.
Our Open Events take place throughout the year and are a great way to experience each of our colleges and get a feel of college life. We strongly encourage you to attend Open Events with your son or daughter. There are students and teachers on hand to chat about everything from classes and course content, to getting the bus. In short, it’s the ideal way to discover what the college has to offer your son or daughter.
We are excited of the launch of our new careers tool – try BMet’s Careers Coach tool. Students can take a short quiz to find out their possible career options and which courses they can study at BMet to get them there!
Helping to keep young people safe online
Please use the links below to access resources on helpful hints and tips to keep young people safe online.
Childnet – information available in a wide range of languages including downloadable leaflets & guides.
Parents Safety Net – keeping children safe online during summer holidays
About Thinkuknow
Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.
Since 2006, Thinkuknow has been keeping children and young people safe by providing education about sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.
Thinkuknow is unique. It is underpinned by the latest intelligence about child sex offending from CEOP Command.
Thinkuknow aims to ensure that everyone has access to this practical information – children, young people, their parents and carers and the professionals who work with them.
You can find out more about CEOP and Thinkuknow using the links below;
Parent Wise
Learn about potential dangers can give you the knowledge and skills to act if there is a problem. Help to keep your child safe by preventing problems before they happen.
For a helping hand for parents and carers, click here to read more about Parent Wise.
Information Provided for Parents
Once at BMet we will keep you informed every step of the way. We provide information for parents through:
- Individual Tutors. Your son or daughter will be assigned an individual tutor who will monitor their progress, set targets and keep them on track throughout their course. They will be there to help with both academic and personal matters and also offer a programme of study related to wider life skills. These include health, money, further study and keeping safe, so your children are in safe hands throughout their time with us.
- Student Progress Reports. Issued twice a year, at the end of November and at the end of March, the reports aim to keep you up-to-date with your son or daughter’s academic performance and progress.
- Parents’ Consultation Evenings.The best way to find out how your son or daughter is doing at college. You will have the opportunity to discuss their work, performance, and progress with tutors and teaching staff.
Careers Advice
At each of BMet college sites, we have a dedicated team of Careers Advisers, who can give you the careers advice, information and support you need to achieve your career goals.
You can read here about the careers advice and support available
Contact with Parents and Guardians
Parents of students who are under 18 are entitled to some information about their child and his/her studies. When students enrol on a course here, they are asked to sign a contract which gives us their permission to contact parents for the following reasons:
- Poor attendance
- Academic progress
- Parents’ evenings
- Disciplinary issues
- College trips
Helping to spot the warning signs of knife crime – Life or Knife
If you’re concerned about your child or a young person carrying a knife, please look out for the warning signs. You can read the leaflet below to see what they are.