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Be Future Present - BMet
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Be Future Present

Get involved in the BMet “Be Future/Present” initiative

You could make the world of difference to our students’ future careers by sharing your skills and knowledge and more importantly your time with them.

How can you be future/present?

It may be providing advice or support, offering work experience, or delivering a virtual presentation.

Be the person you needed when starting out and give the spark that ignites a rewarding career – be part of future/present.

There are many ways we can work together to help grow your organisation and ultimately support the regional economy and community to prosper.

We are passionate about working with business and organisations to understand your vision, objectives, challenges and ultimately see how we can work in partnership to develop a solution to help your business.

Interested: Contact the business development team on 0121 446 4545 or by emailing training@bmet.ac.uk

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Working together – Inspire the next generation

Guest speaker

Come and share your story with our students and staff! We love welcoming speakers from across industries and communities to talk with our students either on the sector they work in; their own career journey or on a technical subject.

Live project briefs

Set our students one of your business challenges to work on! Whether it’s looking at how to launch a new internal communications strategy; test your recruitment and advertising strategy; develop atech-based product for clients, our staff and students are always eager to take your challenge and work alongside you to look at potential solutions.

Work experience

We love working with organisations to help them connect their businesses to young people through work experience programmes. These can be over a condensed period of time such as a week or one day a week over a term: whatever works best for your business needs. Our team can help you build an attractive work experience opportunity including supporting with recruitment activity or managing programmes.

Industry placement (45 days)

An industry placement typically lasts 45 days and again can be over a condensed period of time or over 12-24 months. Placements can be a really productive model to support you to bring in new skills and staff into the business to work on current project or briefs. Our teams can help you develop the programmes, recruit and access any supportive funding.

Employer Advisory Boards

Our employer advisory boards see business representatives from across industry come together and share knowledge and experience and to help review and build our curriculum programmes to ensure that the meet the needs of each sector.


Our recruitment team can help you recruit new staff into your organisation: our team will support you advertise your vacancies through our student population base of approximately 12000 and across the wider regional community. For those clients that we work with on apprenticeship or training programmes in particular we can provide an end to end recruitment service from advertising, shortlisting and sifting through to assessment centres.

Increasing staff retention and productivity


We work with companies from SMEs through to international brands, across a variety of industries, to help build, shape and deliver apprenticeship programmes. Our full-service model means not only can we support you with recruitment and of course training but we can also support you understand the funding models and contracting processes of an apprenticeship programme.

Sector Based Work Academy Programmes (SWAPS)

SWAPs are a unique model, fully funded by government, to help you build a unique recruitment model with proven track records in increasing productivity through reduced recruitment and induction costs.

Continuous Professional Development

From bite-sized courses to longer programmes we offer a range of professional development programmes to help your staff develop their skills.

Bespoke training programmes

We love developing solutions! We can work with you to build a unique training programme really tailored to your specific needs.


We believe partnerships and collaboration should be celebrated! We love sharing our work with our employers across our PR and news platforms, showcasing the work that our brands do together and of course, applying for awards!

Website design and development by Fifteen