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Access to Social Sciences – Online

Level 3 - Advanced

Access to Social Sciences – Online

Social care professionals have the strength, compassion and skills to care for hundreds of vulnerable children and adults everyday. Social workers and other care professionals come from all walks of life and there has always been a great deal of demand for them. Have you got what it takes to become a Social care professional, but just lack the necessary entry requirements to university? If so then this is the course for you.  You will study sociology, psychology, social issues in health care and criminology in addition to study techniques and academic writing.

The study programme is designed for those who wish to progress onto a degree programme, and students must be aged 19+ at the time of enrolment.

This study programme in total contains 60 credits, 45 credits at Level 3 and graded Pass, Merit or Distinction and 15 at Level 3 graded at Pass or Ungraded.
There are 18 credits in Psychology, 9 credits in Criminology, 12 credits in Sociology and 6 credits for a subject based Research Project.

The Psychology units include:

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Basic Counselling Theory
  • Research Methods in Psychology
  • Valuing Diversity

There will also be a subject based Research project.

The Criminology units include: Crime & Deviance and Offender Profiling.

The Sociology units include: Sociology of the Family – Household and Family Structure, and Sociology of Education.



BMET Distance Learning




Matthew Boulton College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 9 - 33 Weeks

For the full time course you must have a Level 2 English qualification but can be working towards Level 2 maths. It is also advisable for students to undertake work experience in a health – related work environment prior to commencing study. For extended day delivery you must already have Level 2 in maths and English GCSE or Functional Skills. Applicants need to be 19 years old or over.

You will be assessed by a combination of coursework and examinations.  Coursework may involve essays, presentations, reports, discussions and a portfolios of evidence.

Most students progress to degrees in Social – related professions including:  Social Work, Social Policy, Sociology, Psychology and English/History as subject specific degrees leading to professions such as teaching.

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Sociological Perspectives
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • The Effect of the Media on Aggression in Children
  • Principles of Safeguarding in Health and Social Work
  • Social Policy
  • Theories and Perspectives in Criminology
  • Study Skills
  • Academic Writing.

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