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Applied Science Level 2

Level 2 - Intermediate

Applied Science Level 2

If you have in interest in understanding the world around you and enjoy investigating problems then this is the course for you. This course develops your knowledge of science and is a progression route into the Applied Science (Applied, Forensic or Medical Science) or any other Science related course at Level 3 such as Engineering, Health and Social Care or Sport.

We offer a combination of two qualifications and most learners choose to complete both. The Award in Principles comprises four mandatory units that underpin the knowledge and skills that are key to progression within science based industries. These mandatory units cover the range of essential scientific principles together with underlying introductions to essential knowledge and applications in chemistry, physics and biology. The award in applications comprises scientific skills, which outlines good practical laboratory and investigatory skills along with 3 units that provide an introduction to the practical ways in which people make practical use of substances and use science to help society to function economically and to deliver health related benefits.



Sutton Coldfield College



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Matthew Boulton College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D/3 or above including Double Science, English and Maths.  If you have studied a BTEC Level 1 Diploma in Science you should have achieved a pass.

Award in Principles and award in applications each comprise of 3 internally assessed units and 1 externally assessed unit which means you will have a combination of assignments and exams to complete.

This course will allow you to build the skills required for both the scientific workplace and for further study with progression to level 3 applied science which includes pathways in Medical, Forensic and Physical Science.

We work with companies in the health sector such as Alder Hey Hospital – Intensive care unit; companies in Ecology and conservation such as Birmingham Canals society; companies who work in environmental areas such as Severn Trent Water company.

First award in Principles includes;

  • Unit 1: Principles of sceince,
  • Unit 2 Chemistry and our earth,
  • Unit 3 Energy and our universe,
  • Unit 4 Biology and our envrionment.

First award in applications includes:

  • Unit 5 Application of chemical substances,
  • Unit 6 applications of physical science,
  • Unit 7 Health applications of life science
  • Unit 8 scientific skills.

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