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Applied Science Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

Applied Science Level 3

Studying applied science is beneficial as the discoveries made may improve our daily lives, including health care and technology.

Study Core units in your first year and embark on a specialist route in your second year which will lead you into a career pathway.

The course covers topics across biology, chemistry and physics and will allow you to acquire a high level of practical laboratory skills. You will build on your previous studies of science by widening your knowledge of scientific investigation and practical techniques and you will develop the numeracy skills required in a scientific setting. You could find yourself learning more about the human body, delving into the world of forensic or exploring astronomy and space science.

The course consists of 13 units which are spread evenly across the two years, and the units cover the basic principles and applications of biology and chemistry together with general sciences and maths.



Sutton Coldfield College




Sutton Coldfield College




Sutton Coldfield College




Sutton Coldfield College




Sutton Coldfield College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

For the Level 3 Extended Certificate you will need 4 GCSEs at grade C/4 or above including dual award science, GCSE English OR Maths, and a 3/D in the remaining English/Maths qualification.  For the Level 3 Foundation Diploma you will need 4 GCSEs at grade C/4 or above including dual ward science and both GCSE English and Maths.  Level 2 applied science is accepted as an equivalent qualification to GCSE science.

The course is assessed through practical work, assignments and exams.

After the first year of the Level 3 Extended Certificate you can progress to the Diploma; or if studying the National Foundation Diploma you can progress onto the Extended Diploma. This will prepare you for a wide range of courses in HE. You can even progress onto our level 4 course, a HNC in applied science (biology) The underpinning knowledge, practical and vocational scientific skills learnt on the BTEC course will also enhance and support the progression into a scientific workplace with a number of apprenticeships accessible to sucessful learners.

We work with companies in the health sector such as Alder Hey Hospital – Intensive care unit; companies in Ecology and conservation such as Birmingham Canals society; companies who work in environmental areas such as Severn Trent Water company.

The mandatory units studied are;

  • Principles and Applications of Science I
  • Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques
  • Science Investigation Skills
  • Laboratory Techniques and their Application
  • Principles and Applications of Science II
  • Investigative Project
  • Contemporary Issues in Science.

You will also complete up to 6 optional units which will be determined by the pathway you choose (Biomedical, Forensic/analytical, or Physical).

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