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Biology GCSE (Fast-Track)

Level 2 - Intermediate

Biology GCSE (Fast-Track)

The course is designed as a fast-track course for those who already have some knowledge of Biology.  It is aimed at mature students who wish to gain a single-science GCSE Biology qualification most likely in order to help them to progress with their studies, either to gain entry to an Access course, degree, PGCE programme or a health-related profession.

Topics covered include:

  • Cell Biology
  • Organisation
  • Infection & Response
  • Bioenergetics
  • Homeostasis & Response
  • Inheritance
  • Variation & Evolution
  • Ecology.


As this is a fast-track course a suitable level of prior education is needed.  You will need a minimum of a grade 3 (D grade) at GCSE or equivalent in both English and Maths – Evidence of achieving these needs to be brought with you in order to qualify for enrolment.  Scientific understanding to grade 3 (D grade) level in science is obviously vital as the pace of teaching is particularly fast on this fast-track programme.  You will also have an informal interview with a course tutor at enrolment.

Students are involved in a range of activities. You will be assessed throughout the year with end of topic tests, mock examinations and regular homework. You will be expected to maintain a high level of attendance and complete all work set to a high standard to be eligible for exam entry. The award is 100% examination, all students must sit the 2 exams in the summer.

A GCSE Biology qualification could enable you to progress onto many higher level courses in science.  It is also a basic requirement for many degree courses especially entry for PGCE programmes or work within the healthcare industry.

We work with companies in the health sector such as Alder Hey Hospital – Intensive care unit; companies in Ecology and conservation such as Birmingham Canals society; companies who work in environmental areas such as Severn Trent Water company.

Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and response, bioenergetics, homeostasis and response, inheritance, variation and evolution, ecology and key ideas.

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