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Business National Foundation Diploma Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

Business National Foundation Diploma Level 3

This level 3 programme is the first year of a two-year course aimed at preparing students for Higher Education and careers in Business. You will study a range of business topics including how businesses market their products, the importance of branding, personal and business finance, recruitment and selection and much more.

There will also be a focus on study techniques which develop skills in writing essays, reports and preparing for exams.  Trips and visits are organised with local employers to help you apply the knowledge you will gain in the classroom. This course is designed to cover a variety of Business topics including but not limited to:

  • Exploring Business
  • Managing an Event
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Investigating Retail Business

Units are assessed through a variety of methods including coursework and external examination for:

  • Developing a Marketing Campaign
  • Personal and Business Finance

The course programme is designed to include both theory and hands on experience of business through guest speakers, trips, and work-based experience to ensure the students gain a realistic and all-round understanding of Business.

At the end of this year, you will have the opportunity to progress onto the second year of the course, topping up to achieve a qualification worth the equivalent of 3 A levels. Students who study this course have opportunities to move on after the second year to university, employment, or higher apprenticeships in Business.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

Entry requirements are a minimum of 5 GCSEs at Grade 4/5 (C ) including English and Maths at Grade 4 or 5 (C ). If you are successful in Year 1 you will progress onto the Extended Diploma in Business. The two year programme is approximately equivalent to 3 A levels.

Assessment consists of a mixture of exams and course work.

Successful completion of the course with an appropriate grade profile and acceptable attendance record will allow students to progress onto Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business, employment or university.

We work with local and national employers who support us with the delivery of the programme and provide work experience opportunities.

1. Exploring Business

2. Developing a Marketing Campaign

3. Personal and business finance

4. Managing an Event

8. Recruitment and Selection

5. International business

6. Principles of Management

9. Developing Teams

19.  Pitching for a New Business

15. Retail

21. Training and Development

22. Market Research

9 Developing Teams in Business

23. The English Legal System

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