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Dental Nurse (Integrated) Apprenticeship

Level 3 - Advanced

Dental Nurse (Integrated) Apprenticeship

The Dental Nurse (Integrated) role complements the role of other dental professionals. One of the primary roles is to provide chair side support to dental professionals and deliver a high level of patient care. Dental Nurses may work in a variety of clinical environments and the Apprenticeship reflects all aspects of clinical responsibilities and duties of a dental nurse’s role and will provide the apprentice with the relevant qualification to apply to the General Dental Council (GDC) for professional registration as a dental nurse.

Dental Nurses are registered professional and work within the standards and scope of practice defined by the GDC Scope of Practice document (Sept 2013)

  • Knowledge
  • Dental and regional anatomy
  • Respiratory and circulatory systems
  • Health promotion and disease prevention
  • Transmission of infectious diseases and their prevention
  • Materials , equipment and resources
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Legislative compliance and regulatory requirements
  • The Dental team and GDC guidelines
  • Communication
  • Self-Management

On completion of this apprenticeship the apprentice can register with the General Dental Council as a qualified Dental Nurse.



Matthew Boulton College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 0 Weeks

Applicants will require 4 GCSEs at Grade C/ Level 4 or above, including English and Math’s. Please note: Level 2 Functional Skills in both English and maths is also accepted as an equivalent to GCSE’s. Employers also look for skills like motivation, good interpersonal skills, good communication skills and a willingness to learn and will set their own specifications depending on the role.

Only apprentices who begin their apprenticeship training when aged 16-18 will continue to be subject to the mandatory requirement to study towards and achieve English and maths. Apprentices who begin their apprenticeship training when aged 19+ will no longer be subject to the mandatory requirement to study towards and achieve English and maths. However, for apprentices aged 19+, the apprentice or their employer can still choose for the apprentice to study towards an English and maths qualification.

Typical duration is 24 months and you will be required to complete qualifications during the period usually with set study days. As part of the apprenticeship, there will be a number of specific skills that your employer or college tutor will monitor and observe to prove that you reached a certain level of understanding. Assessment will be through portfolio evidence and examinations.

On completion of the apprenticeship, you could train in Dental Radiography, Oral Health Promotion or Dental Practice Management. You might choose to train as a Dental Hygienist or a Therapist.

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