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Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction T Level

Level 3 - Advanced

Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction T Level

Plan for your future as you embark on your architectural journey.

Set yourself up with an opportunity gain a high value global skill. Setting you apart from the rest and ensuring success for your future. Our uniquely designed T-Level is enriched with an array of modules from construction methods to design principles and processes, to allow you to succeed within any role.

With Architects being a high demand role, secure your prospects with the knowledge and skills that will be gained from our T-level course. Equivalent to three A-levels, this Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction T-level course will help gain experience and obtain a qualification to boost your prospects. All supported by our teaching staff and amazing careers team.



James Watt College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 5 GCSE’s at a minimum grade 4, to include a science. This will also include a minimum GCSE Grade 5 in maths and English. You will be required to attend a formal interview.

Work placement of 45 days working with an employer on an industry placement.  There will be 2 core exams and an external set project.

Students can also use this T Level to do a related higher-level apprenticeship, Higher National in Construction or a degree course.

All students will develop a general understanding of construction, including:

  • health and safety
  • the science behind building design, surveying and planning
  • making accurate and appropriate measurements
  • construction methods
  • building regulations and standards
  • data management and information standards in construction
  • relationship management and customer service
  • how the Internet of Things (IoT) impacts construction
  • digital engineering techniques
  • mathematical techniques to solve construction problems
  • construction design principles and processes.

Website design and development by Fifteen