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Foundation Learning Entry Level 3

Entry Level - Foundation

Foundation Learning Entry Level 3

Looking for a way to progress in Further Education.

Our Foundation Learning courses in creative and digital will help you to learn and develop in a fascinating subject area.

You will learn how to develop your initial ideas and manage your projects through to completion, as well as learning how to undertake background research for projects. You will build your confidence and gain knowledge of the exciting creative industries - that are some of the fastest growing in the UK.

As an introduction to Vocational Studies at Entry Level 3, you will work towards achieving a B-Tech qualification, whilst completing a range of units involving different vocational departments.

You will also study English and Maths Functional Skills or GCSE alongside your programme of study.


There are no formal qualifications needed only a desire to return to education and achieve a recognised qualification.

You will sit practical assessments for each unit and build a portfolio of evidence. Units are assessed through friendly, motivated and interesting tasks. You will sit exams for maths & English.

After successfully completing this course you can progress to your chosen pathway: A wide range of Level 1 courses across college or you may choose to go into employment.

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