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Gym Instructing YMCA Certificate Level 2

Level 2 - Intermediate

Gym Instructing YMCA Certificate Level 2

This course provides students with the opportunity to be taught and assessed in a real working environment. Students can take advantage of the on-site fitness suite at Sutton Coldfield College to enhance learning of the working environment. Understand the physiological effects of exercise on the body through theory linked to practical sessions.

Learners will explore the principles of exercise, fitness and health with a focus on how physical activity will benefit individuals and help to reduce the risk of various conditions and illnesses. Anatomy and Physiology provides an insight into the structure and function of the human body, covering the musculoskeletal system, cardiorespiratory system, digestive system and nervous system. You will gain an understanding of health and safety in the work environment to ensure safe participation in exercise. This will cover elements of client screening and risk assessment of equipment and the work environment. 

As part of the practical element of the course, learners will be required to demonstrate excellent customer service and competency within the gym environment. You will learn how to structure a safe and effective, balanced training programme to be delivered to your client. All of which will assist your transition into the working environment.



Sutton Coldfield College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 18 Weeks

You should have an enthusiasm for working in the leisure industry, regularly attend the gym, have good communication skills and a sound underpinning knowledge of gym equipment to enable you to instruct in the gym effectively. You will be required to attend an interview as well as completing an initial assessment to demonstrate your knowledge of this industry.

You will be assessed through a mixture of practical and theory assessments and course work.

There will be a multiple-choice theory exam and assessment workbook based on anatomy and physiology and components of fitness. You will be continually assessed throughout the course on various training methods with a range of clients within college and complete a final practical assessment. A portfolio of evidence will be gathered over the duration of the programme to ensure a sound knowledge & competency is gained.

Students can progress to other fitness instructing qualifications such as Exercise to Music, Circuit Training & Level 3 Personal Trainer. Or take up a career within the fitness industry i.e. health clubs and/or leisure centres.

  • Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise
  • Health, Safety and Welfare in a Fitness Environment
  • Principles of Exercise Fitness and Health
  • Know How to Support Clients Who Take Part in Exercise and Physical Activity
  • Planning Gym-Based Exercise
  • Instructing Gym-Based Exercise

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