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Law & Criminology Access to Higher Education

Level 3 - Advanced

Law & Criminology Access to Higher Education

If you have been out of education for a while or don't have the qualifications you need for university, then this is the course for you as it will open the door to university and beyond.

The course will include a range of practical activities including visits to the local law courts, the Houses of Parliament in London and local universities specialising in law and criminology. You will study academic topics involving law and criminology and also study skills modules, such as essay writing and research skills which will allow you succeed as a student.



Matthew Boulton College




Sutton Coldfield College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 33 Weeks

You will need GCSEs in English and maths at Grade 4/C or above (or an equivalent qualification).  You will need to demonstrate your commitment to the course at interview.  You should have had a period of time away from studying and have an interest in pursuing a career in the legal professions.

You will be assessed by a combination of coursework and examinations. The majority of assessment is by written coursework during the course and there are two final examinations at the end of the course.

Successful completion of the Access to law and Criminology qualification will allow you to apply for a wide range of university level courses, including law, legal studies and criminology.

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