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Multimedia & Digital Literacy Diploma Level 2 (incorporating maths & English)

Level 2 - Intermediate

Multimedia & Digital Literacy Diploma Level 2 (incorporating maths & English)

The programme is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in general IT qualifications. This course focuses on the skills required to move into careers in the IT industry in a wide range of disciplines.

Areas covered include a wide range of units such as computer graphics, computer animation, presenting information and spreadsheets. The course also prepares students to progress to the level 3 IT qualifications.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at Grade D / 3 (two of which must be in maths and English language) or equivalent. Additional evidence detailing previous work experience, employer reference, school reports and original certificates of previously gained qualifications will be also required at the interview.

Students will be assessed via a variety of methods such as portfolio of evidence, written coursework, project work, practical assessment and external assessment.

As well as having the opportunity to progress to the Level 3 Foundation Diploma in IT, success on this course does not limit your progression choices as a wide range of Level 3 courses will be available in addition to computing.

By enrolling on our courses students become part of our Creative and Digital Career College which helps them to further develop their employability skills and network with employers in a range of activities such as live briefs, workshops, guru talks, etc. We are the only educational institution in Birmingham who is part of the Careers Colleges Trust which helps young people to gain careers in digital industries. We work with a number of local, national and international employers, e.g. AWS (Amazon), Fujitsu and Advanced Birmingham – all multinational business and IT services providers – who set live brief for our students who are working in groups and compete against other students on a local and national level.

  • Communicating in the IT industry
  • Working in the IT industry
  • Multimedia Design
  • Graphics
  • Spreadsheet Modelling
  • Databases
  • Website Design

Website design and development by Fifteen