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Philosophy A Level

Level 3 - Advanced

Philosophy A Level

Philosophy is something most people have engaged in at some point in their lives, as it literally means ‘love of knowledge’.

Philosophy is for people who are prepared to question basic assumptions, including their own, with an open mind.

People who would be suited to this course will enjoy reasoning, logical thinking and debate, but this does not mean that any answer is right, or that you can give your personal opinion without having arguments to back it up. Be prepared to question your beliefs and look at the world in a new way. This is a challenging course but incredibly rewarding. Just don’t be surprised if you can’t stop thinking about it.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

A minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C/4 or above in academic subjects including GCSE maths, and a grade 6 or above in English Language. (Grade 6 or above in English Literature may be considered as an alternative to English Language.)

This course is entirely assessed by written examination at the end of two years of study, covering all content covered over the two years of study.

Philosophy, over and above all else, teaches and develops clarity of thought and reasoning, and as such is a highly valued subject by both universities and employers. Although you may not use philosophy directly unless you teach, the skills you learn are transferrable to any career where critical thinking and reasoned argument are needed.

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