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Sports Industry Skills (Leading Children’s Sports Activities) Diploma Level 2

Level 2 - Intermediate

Sports Industry Skills (Leading Children's Sports Activities) Diploma Level 2

The qualification has been developed in consultation with employers in the sport and active leisure industry and the professional body in sport and has been mapped to professional standards for working in the school environment (out of curriculum). This means that learners will have achieved the entry requirement for employment as a sports coach for children. It will enable learners to develop the skills and behaviours that are required for this job role and give learners the best opportunity to be successful in applying for work.

All the content of the qualification is mandatory and relates directly to the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected by employers in the sport and active leisure sector. The areas you will cover include:

  • Ways in which people participate in sport and physical activity
  • Jobs in the sport and activity leisure industry
  • Personal skills and professional behaviours for working in the active leisure industry
  • The school environment and National Curriculum
  • The children’s sport leader role within the organisation
  • Planning and leading children’s sports activity sessions
  • Sports industry legislation and guidance

Students on the course will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of events and Work Real opportunities. These include, including delivering Panathlon events to children with additional needs, refereeing and officiating for school tournaments and leading activities at multi-sport events with Primary and Secondary school pupils.




Sutton Coldfield College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 4 GCSEs at grade 3 (or equivalent) including English and/ or Maths. We will also consider Level 1 sport qualifications with Merit grade or above.

Our programme is 100% course work which will include group projects, presentations, reports, professional discussions, event management and a portfolio of evidence.  You will also be assessed practically within a sports leadership / coaching environment.

Completion of this course will enable you to progress onto a level 3 Ctech Sports course as well as provide you with skills and knowledge to gain employment within the activity leadership / sports coaching industry.

Unit 1: Working in the Sport and Active Leisure Industry

Unit 2: Physical and Sports Education in School and Community settings

Unit 3: Sports Leadership

Unit 4: Working as a sports leader

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