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Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Award/Certificate Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools Award/Certificate Level 3

This course is an essential for anyone considering looking for a career as a Learning Support Practitioner or for anyone already working in that role and looking for career progression. It will provide you with an invaluable foundation of knowledge and skills that can then be transferred into the classroom and other areas of learner support in a range of educational settings; including Primary, Secondary and Further Education.

The Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (STLS) aims to provide learners with the knowledge and competence needed to support the teacher in the compulsory education sector, ie. pre-19 years. The qualification provides learners with the opportunity to demonstrate their competence in a wide range of support roles.



Matthew Boulton College




James Watt College




Hobmoor School



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 33 - 35 Weeks

You should be at least 19 years old with a minimum of four GCSE’s Grade 3 (D) or above to include English and Maths or Level 1 functional skills in Maths and English. Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks will be required.

You will need, however, to demonstrate at least one year experience working within a school environment, supporting learning. This could be in an employed or voluntary position for at least 12 hours per week.

All units will be internally assessed using a range of methods. This could include direct observation within the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task set by CACHE.  Some learning outcomes within this qualification will require assessment in a real work environment.

This qualification allows progression on employment as a level 3 teaching assistant in primary, secondary or further education.

  • Schools and colleges as organisations
  • Support health and safety in a learning environment
  • Understand how to safeguard children and young people
  • Develop professional relationships with children, young people and adults
  • Understand how children and young peo

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