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The Professional Performance and Production in Music Diploma Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

The Professional Performance and Production in Music Diploma Level 3

Our Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production have been designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to progress to further study and training in a range of music performance and production disciplines.

The qualification has been designed for students who have an interest in music performance and/or music production who wish to explore and extend this interest via a full-time, immersive learning experience.

Based at our Sutton Coldfield College, this two-year course provides a varied and in-depth knowledge which will prepare you for a range of careers in the Music industry.

You will develop practical skills in performance whilst forming a solid grasp of music theory and compositional techniques. This course also offers a glimpse into the world of Music production and technology, preparing you for work both on and off-stage.

If you have the ambition to become a professional instrumentalist or session musician, or perhaps have the passion to work in music production for TV, film and radio – this is the course for you!

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Performing and Production Arts on completion of this course.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 4 GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English and maths. Alternatively you will need a level 2 Diploma in a related subject at a merit or distinction grade.

You will be assessed in a variety of ways including your contribution to: practical work, presentations, essays, journals, blogs, tutor interviews, group discussions, live performances, recorded performances, multi-track recordings, computer based compositions and technical demonstrations.

This course leads into a variety of higher education courses – degrees or HNDs where you can continue to study your chosen field.

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