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UAL Graphic Design Diploma Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

UAL Graphic Design Diploma Level 3

Graphic Design is a powerful medium used to persuade, advertise or inform.

Develop your skills on this course using visual communication to create exciting designs for both print and moving image.

On this course you will investigate traditional drawing and mark making alongside computer packages such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects and Cinema 4D. Graphic Design is about relaying information of any kind through the use of images, symbols, colours and words. The course offers the opportunity to communicate visually using both digital and traditional techniques such as drawing, print making and photography.

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 3 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Creative Practice: Art, Design and Communication on completion of this course.

UAL Awarding Body believes in transformative education. They design and award creative qualifications that empower and inspire educators to help students reach their potential. UAL Awarding Body is regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA Regulation and currently offers qualifications in Art and Design, Fashion Business and Retail, Creative Media Production and Technology, Music Performance and Production and Performing and Production Arts. They are also the UK’s leading provider of the Foundation Diploma in Art and Design. Their qualifications have high retention and achievement rates because they are flexible, responsive and relevant to industry needs, and facilitate student progression. University of the Arts London (UAL) is Europe’s largest specialist art and design university, comprising six renowned Colleges.



Matthew Boulton College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

A minimum of four GCSE grade 4 or above including English, maths can be retaken on the course. You will also need an Art or Design related subject, or a level 2 Diploma with Merit grade in Art and Design, plus a portfolio of art and design work.

Assessment is carried out throughout the diverse range of coursework projects and peer critiques. You will produce sketchbooks, printed and digital portfolios as well as magazines, books and animations or films.

You can progress to the Foundation Art and Design programme, HND Graphic Design, higher education or employment. Career pathways include graphic design, advertising, animation in design studios or into architecture and interior design, or computer games design.

We work with a number of local and national employers, e.g. AWS live project – students working in groups on a live brief set by the Amazon London, Holford Drive Community Sports Hub, Spring Housing Association in Birmingham, Ed Gill from Falmouth Univers

  • Induction Project
  • The Creative process
  • Developing Creative Practice
  • Responding to a set brief
  • Researching a specialist industry practice
  • Specialist technical skills development
  • Final major project – specialist creative outcome.

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