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UAL Media and Games Diploma Level 1

Level 1 - Introductory

UAL Media and Games Diploma Level 1

Take your first steps in the exciting creative & digital world to develop the skills needed to be paid to make the things you love! On this course you will work on live project briefs with local community and industry organisations such as social action and community media, music video, advertising, podcasts and short film production companies.

This brand new approach to digital and creative skills will prepare you for a future in the creative industries such as media and games design. You will learn a wide range of skills and techniques through a series of fun projects and utilizing applications such as Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Audition and more! You will also develop your drawing and design skills, alongside transferrable skills such as research. You will build your confidence and gain knowledge of the exciting creative industries that are some of the fastest growing in the UK.

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 1 Award and Diploma in Art, Design and Media on completion of this course.



James Watt College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

An interest in media, games design and/or digital art is essential. All applicants are considered and may be given a place based upon their interview and portfolio. GCSE Maths and English at Grade 2 or above, or Functional Skills equivalent are preferable.

You will work in our PC and Mac design studios on projects that range from animation to photography to character modelling to environment design. All projects are split into units and assessment takes place throughout the year.

On successful completion of this course you can progress to either our level 2 media or level 2 games design courses.

Website design and development by Fifteen