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UAL Media Arts & Production Diploma Level 2

Level 2 - Intermediate

UAL Media Arts & Production Diploma Level 2

Have you got an interest in creating films? Do you look at advertising and feel that you could do better? Do you want to express your creativity through TV, film or graphic design?

Answer yes to any or all of these questions and this is the course for you!

Whether you want to create new social media adverts, short films, design theatre or TV sets, or create podcasts then this is the course for you. You will use a range of creative arts skills to produce all the elements that go into media production including drawing storyboards, designing and making set design models and props, editing film and motion graphics and taking part photography and film shoots.

You will use industry standard software for editing, animation and graphic design. If you are the kind of person who looks at the world in a different, more creative way than everybody else then media arts is the route that you need.

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 2 Award and Diploma in Creative Media Production and Technology on completion of this course.

On successful completion of this course you can progress to our level 3 media course.




You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D/3 or above.

This programme of study is 100% assessed by coursework. You will be assessed in a variety of ways including your contribution to: practical work, presentations, essays, journals, blogs, tutor interviews, group discussions, short films, storyboards, set designs, visual images, sketchbooks and live film events.

After completing the Level 2 Diploma you will have the opportunity to progress onto the Level 3 Diploma to continue your skills development.

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