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UAL Performing Arts Diploma Level 1

Level 1 - Introductory

UAL Performing Arts Diploma Level 1

Show Time! This course offers a good understanding of the range of performing arts skills so that you can choose to specialise at the next level of study. These include acting, singing, dance, musical theatre and production.

Our Level 1 Performing Arts Diploma is ideal for those who are looking for a career in this sector, to build on skills and knowledge to move on in your career path. You will work towards a BTEC Level 1 Diploma in vocational studies alongside Maths and English. You will work on a range of units relating to Performing Arts. All work is portfolio based.

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 1 Award and Diploma in Music, Performing and Production Arts on completion of this course.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 3 GCSEs at grade D/3 or above.

This course is assessed entirely through coursework including presentations, journals, live performances and group discussions.

You can progress to level 2, then on to level 3 in any one of your chosen specialism’s including dance, drama and musical theatre.

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