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UAL Performing & Production Arts Diploma Level 3 (Acting)

Level 3 - Advanced

UAL Performing & Production Arts Diploma Level 3 (Acting)

This course is perfect if you’re a talented performer, want a career in the performing arts, and are looking to further develop your skills.

You will be able to develop your individual communication and collaborative skills, as well as offering the experience of working with other talented performers.

Learn the skills to enable you to pursue a career in the performing arts industry, including: rehearsing, acting, devising, voice, acting for TV and film, movement, physical theatre, character study and directing.

This is a full-time practical diploma which is a great way to prepare you for the performing arts industries. You will be asked to be totally focused, dedicated and committed to all projects, working as a member of a team and independently. You will develop creative concepts in rehearsal and performance and, develop characters and texts to produce exciting works of theatre and film. You will also explore skills within acting, theatre and film and develop your scriptwriting and directing skills.

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 4 Diploma and Extended Diploma in Performing and Production Arts on completion of this course.


You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C/4 or above or a Level 2 Diploma at grade Merit or above.  You will also be required to complete an audition at Interview.

Assessment is based on assignments and projects. These will involve individual research, performance projects and group.

You can progress to University or Drama School or seek employment in the performing arts industry.

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