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UAL Professional Diploma in Performance Level 4

Level 4 - Higher

UAL Professional Diploma in Performance Level 4

The UAL Level 4 Professional Diploma in Performance has been designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to progress into higher education or conservatoire training. The skills developed throughout the qualification may also support students intending to progress directly into employment in the creative/ performance industries.

This qualification will provide students with an opportunity to stretch and refine their practical skills levels whist defining their own personal interests and area of expertise. This course is suitable for students who intend to pursue a career in the creative arts to explore, develop and test their creativity within a qualification structure which is stimulating and demanding, and provides a supportive transition into either higher-level training or employment.The aims of this qualification are to enable students to:

1. Develop performance skills appropriate for entry into the creative industries

2. Define artistic ambitions and professional progression opportunities

3. Build up their professional practice and apply professional standards whilst working on creative projects

4. Achieve a nationally recognised Level 4 qualification

Awarded by UAL Awarding Body you will achieve a UAL Level 4 Professional Diploma in Performance on completion of this course.



Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks


UCAS Tariff Points: Pre-2017 Entry – 120 points, Post-2017 Entry – 48 points

The tariff points can be made up of:

  • A Levels (GCE and VCE): 2 A Levels at Grade D
  • BTEC Extended Diploma: Grade PPP
  • BTEC Diploma: Grade MP
  • BTEC 90 Credit Diploma: Grade MM
  • Access to HE: Grade P45 (to include 45 credits at Level 3 and 15 credits at Level 2, totalling 60 credits)

All vocational qualifications, including BTEC Extended Diploma, BTEC Diploma and BTEC 90 Credit Diploma,  in a performance/creative related subject.

Minimum number of GCSEs at Grade C or above: 4 which must include: GCSE English: Grade C or 4 GCSE Maths: Grade C or 4

Are Level 2 equivalents accepted?: Yes We encourage applications from students who do not meet the entry requirements outlined but can demonstrate ability through work experience, portfolio of evidence or successful interview.

This course is assessed through coursework, assignments and projects.

The qualification is suitable for students who intend to pursue a career in the creative arts to explore, develop and test their creativity within a qualification structure which is stimulating and demanding, and provides a supportive transition into either higher-level training or employment.

The qualification is also appropriate for students wishing to continue their education through applied learning, by locating learning within a professional context in which they can work alongside industry experts to gain first-hand experience of the sector. Ideal for students who wish to study and gain additional training prior to applying for university or seeking employment.

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