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Uniformed Services Level 3

Level 3 - Advanced

Uniformed Services Level 3

This is an ideal course for those interested in a career within the Uniformed Public Services, such as the Police, Fire and Rescue Service, Armed Forces and Coastguard.  The course is delivered by personnel who have a wealth of operational experience across a broad range of Uniformed Public Services.

This course is practically based where skills and knowledge are developed through a portfolio of case studies, reports, projects, role plays, presentations and discussions. You will also be required to take part in educational trips and visits relevant to the core subjects you will be learning. Trips may include activities such as white-water rafting, camping and mountain biking or may be research based trips to locations such as Normandy or even New York.

Our experience teaching team will offer their guidance and help you develop the skills required for your chosen career path. After the first year you can progress onto the second year to complete the diploma or extended diploma based on your achievements in the first year.



Sutton Coldfield College



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Sutton Coldfield College



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* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 35 Weeks

You will need 4 GCSEs (or equivalent) at grade 4 or above including English and maths. A positive school or college reference demonstrating good levels of attendance and punctuality will also be required.

The course is a combination of practical projects, presentations, reports and a portfolio. Some sections will be completed individually and some in a group to help you develop team working skills.  There are 2 exam units.

Upon successful completion of the first year students can progress onto the second year.  This will allow you to progress onto University or the Higher National Diploma programme currently being run at Sutton Coldfield College. These routes will be subject to you gaining the requisite number of UCAS points. Alternatively you may consider a career in one of the Uniformed Public Services. If you chose this pathway then you will be supported through your application.

  • Citizenship and diversity
  • Behaviour and discipline
  • Physical preparation, health and lifestyle
  • Expedition skills
  • Team work, leadership and communication

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