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Welding Award Level 2

Level 2 - Intermediate

Welding Award Level 2

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to study Welding.

This award provides the basic skills required for people hoping to start a career in Welding, but is also appropriate for those wishing to improve their welding skills for work or hobby interests. The skills required are considerably greater than those required for the Level 1 qualification.  At Level 2 you can choose to specialise in one of the following processes: MIG, TIG, MMA or Oxy-Acetylene. Following a period of training to enable you to become competent in the chosen discipline, five practical tests will be completed.  An example of typical course tests would be: Single Vee Butt Joint in the flat position, Lap Fillet Joint in the vertical up  position, Tee Fillet Joint in the vertical up position, Single Vee Butt Joint in the vertical up position, Tube to Plate in the horizontal/vertical position and Health & Safety Knowledge Questions.



James Watt College




James Watt College



* Courses are free for 16-18s. Students aged 19 or over could be charged fees and is subject to a fee assessment. Learners on benefits in the majority of cases courses are also free. Fee assessments are completed at enrolment.

Course Length: 17 - 18 Weeks

Although there are no formal entry requirements, it is recommended that you have already achieved Level 1 in your preferred Welding Process. An interview will determine your place on the course.

You will be assessed in classroom practical assessments and also by oral questioning about your knowledge of the course.

On completion of this qualification you may progress into employment or to train for another City & Guilds Welding qualification at Level 1 or 2.

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