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Open Events & Enrolment

There’s no better way of finding out about studying at BMet than joining us at one of our Open Events.  You will get to see our amazing facilities, meet our tutors and find out more about our wide range of courses.

We have a variety of courses that start throughout the year and BMet has three main enrolment periods.  If you wish to enrol for a course outside of these key enrolment periods, please contact us on: 0121 446 4545.


*All offers subject to successful interview and meeting of entry criteria. Some courses require maths or English assessment and/or performance auditions at interview and therefore excluded from this offer.


We have three main enrolment periods – Summer, January and Spring for the variety of course we offer.

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Open Events

These events offer a fantastic opportunity to find out all about our colleges and view the facilities we have.

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