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BMet officially rewarded for commitment to tackling sexism and violence against women

A Bronze “Action Award” win by UK Feminista officially recognises and signifies BMet’s longstanding commitment to tackle sexism and violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Following a rigorous selection process judged by a panel of independent educational staff and UK Feminista, the college demonstrated an exemplary ability to positively impact changes to improve the lives of females in the college and beyond.

A UK Feminista Bronze Award is awarded to organisations who take outstanding action to tackle sexism and sexual harassment through a whole college approach.

As quoted by UK Feminista Director, Farah Hussain: “The judges and UK Feminista recognise that BMet has sought to engage the college community on the issue, for example, by organising an enrichment programme and events with external partners, as well as involving parents. BMet’s working party has a clear remit for implementing actions to take you forward.”

Kay Burton-Williams, Director of Student Experience and Sam Coles, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at BMet were presented with a certificate by author and activist Onjali Q. Rauf I Children’s Author – HOME ( at a prestigious ceremony at The Science Gallery in London.

BMet wins UK Feminista Award

Speaking of the very rewarding achievement, Kay Burton-Williams said: “I was so proud that BMet won a Bronze Award for our work over the last 12 months in tackling, through education, the issues surrounding VAWG and everyday sexism.

“We have adopted a whole college approach to tackling sexism and sexual harassment. Our aim is to create a college environment free from sexism, in which boys/men and girls/women can learn and live as equals.

“At the award ceremony, we heard from an inspiring speaker Onjali Q. Raúf who is an award-winning children’s writer, women’s activist and anti-racism campaigner. I had so many valuable conversations with the room of award winners and have some great new ideas to take towards!”

BMet has demonstrated continuous efforts and works to help readdress gender inequalities, including delivering initiatives to combat sexism and violence against women and girls.

BMet’s actions taken to tackle such issues include:

  • Developing a comprehensive whole college action plan involving consultation and collaboration with our students, staff, and governors.
  • Incorporating all-staff training targeted on tackling sexual harassment – delivered to all staff as a mandatory element of their continued professional development.
  • Formulating a Sexism/VAWG working group with representation across BMet’s colleges, as a key element of embedding the whole college plan.
  • Reviewing and updating college policies to reflect clearly and explicitly BMet’s zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment. This includes clear guidance to staff in dealing with concerns.
  • Engaging all students in assembly style sessions highlighting the colleges approach and zero tolerance attitude to sexism and explaining clearly how concerns are to be reported.

BMet continually strives to ensure that their students are protected at all times by adopting a variety of innovative services and procedures, that are specially designed to benefit students’ health, wellbeing and welfare. For more information, please visit BMet’s website.

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