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Former BMet student volunteers to help NHS during global pandemic

A former BMet student is going the extra mile by volunteering with NHS mental health services.

By volunteering Tionne Bailey will help to reduce the strain for key health care workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Tionne, who studied health and social care as well as maths and English at Matthew Boulton College, has always had a desire to care for others.

This has paved the way for her to making the step to volunteer at the Juniper House Care Home in Moseley.

During this unprecedented time there is a growing demand for patient care and Tionne is more than happy to help.

Starting in two-weeks, the diligent former student will volunteer two days a week alongside her role as a patient care ambulance driver.

Tionne, who has not previously worked as a volunteer, said: “I feel so pleased to be given this unique opportunity to try to make a difference to people’s lives and to help share the huge work load of hardworking staff at this very challenging time.

“I think the NHS is a wonderful institution, which has not only helped me but has helped many of my friends and family.

“So, I feel that I need to give back and to show my appreciation to all the great doctors, nurses and people involved in the care of people in general.”

Tionne feels that her future career will be to remain within the health and social care sector and this experience will strengthen her desire to follow this vocational path.

Cliff Hall, Principal at BMet, said: “I have the upmost respect and appreciation for Tionne and others like her that are selflessly giving up their time to help.

“It’s always good to hear what our former students have gone on to do and it certainly is heart-warming to hear how Tionne is showing her support, and actively so, by volunteering to support others during this difficult period. “

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