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Colleges Week 2020

News / 23 October 2020

Colleges Week 2020 celebrates all the fantastic work done nationally by colleges all over the UK – including BMet. The week (19 – 23 October) is a chance to celebrate and shout about all the brilliant things that colleges do, day in and day out to build communities, boost businesses, and support individuals. In particular, […]

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BMet holds a triple virtual celebration with Vanley Burke during Black History Month

News / 16 October 2020

Students and staff from BMet College joined a trio of virtual celebrations today (15 October) designed to inspire participants and showcase student success. The three concurrent events recognised the college’s Student Star of the Month Awards and World Students Day, alongside Black History Month – commemorated by a captivating presentation by acclaimed Birmingham-based artist and […]

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Sport is welcomed back at BMet

News / 14 October 2020

BMet Sport Academies at Sutton Coldfield College are back in action and raring to go after a long unprecedented break due to COVID19. Since March, sport student enthusiasts at the college have had to put their passions for team games, competitions and challenges on hold, to be safe and in line with national Government advice. […]

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BMet gears up for first open events of the academic year

News / 7 October 2020

BMet is gearing up for a series of ‘virtual open events” next week (12 October to 15 October) in the shape of live information sessions, Q&As, careers advice, and how to apply details. The ‘Virtual Open Events’ are designed to give parents and prospective students a chance to find out more about the fantastic range of […]

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BMet finance manager rewarded nationally during the pandemic

News / 6 October 2020

The hard work and positive achievements of BMet’s interim payroll manager has led to national recognition by a leading global recruitment agency. Samantha Lancaster was nominated for the Payroller of the Year award by Hays Recruitment Agency and was one of only four people to be chosen as a highly commended winner. The leading agency […]

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BMet celebrates Black History Month with culturally diverse interactive events

News / 1 October 2020

Students and staff at BMet College are embracing Black History Month with a series of unique forward-thinking and engaging cultural activities. Throughout October, there will be the opportunity for the college community to take part in range of virtual and college-hosted events. All activity has been designed to celebrate positive contributions of key figures within […]

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Record GCSE passes give BMet students a professional boost

News / 20 August 2020

GCSE students at BMet have had excellent news today after receiving their results – in what is a record year of success for the college. 900 students have achieved grade 4s and above today, all of whom left school without a Grade 4 in English or Maths GCSE (Thursday 20 August 2020). Of those 900 […]

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Update on BTEC grading: BTEC Level 3 Nationals (2010 QCF and 2016 RQF), BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Awards, BTEC Level 2 Technicals and BTEC 1/2 Firsts

News / 20 August 2020

BMet have received the following announcement from Pearson: Following Ofqual’s announcement that A Level and GCSE students are to receive Centre Assessment Grades, Pearson have reviewed the impact on BTEC students and taken on board feedback from teachers, schools and colleges. Following their review and the feedback they have decided to apply Ofqual’s principles for […]

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Congratulations and questions on summer results

News / 13 August 2020

BMet is today celebrating exam success with students but has strong reservations on how A level grades were awarded. A level students at BMet’s Sutton Coldfield College achieved a 99% pass rate and 55% of students guaranteed their place at university on the spot. The vocational pass rate for Level 3 BMet students was 100%.   […]

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