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Sutton Coldfield gym and fitness courses shaping up nicely for adult learners

Adults wanting to carve rewarding careers in health and fitness can do so at Sutton Coldfield College, by studying courses that can lead to life-changing opportunities.

The college’s industry standard, YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing and Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner) pathways are now available to adults seeking a career change.

The popular part-time courses, follow the success of the study routes for 16-19-year-old students, held at BMet’s James Watt College.

Through the invigorating and people-centred lessons, many students have been able to develop key skills and abilities, whilst carving new futures for themselves.

Learners can benefit from the courses in a variety of ways. This includes gaining industry-based qualifications, which provides direct entry into the fitness industry – based on anatomy and physiology, customer care, health and wellbeing, designing and delivering of training plans.

The Level 2 course, is perfect for anyone who has an enthusiasm for working in the leisure industry, regularly attends the gym and has good knowledge of gym equipment, which is needed to be able to instruct.

This is what some learners had to say after successfully completing their course, who both stated received huge support from their tutors:

Charlie: “I have learned so much through this course and it’s exceeded my expectations. I have a greater understanding of gyms, the equipment in it and how to help people get the best out of their gym experience!

“I have always had an interest in the gym and fitness generally. However, I now know how to use machines properly and execute exercises more effectively and safely, which I can pass onto others.

“Through the course, I have developed a more positive outlook on life, understand my clearly how fitness can help overcome a range of challenges and am looking forward to my future.”

Emma: “I have previously worked in jobs that have not given me the fulfilment I need. So, I chose to study this course, because I needed a career change – and one which would involve fitness and helping people reach their goals.

“I wanted to make a point of equipping myself with the knowledge and skills needed to help people get the best out of their gym experiences. My goal is to become a personal trainer and I feel doing the level 3 course, will help me achieve this!”

The Level 3 course is ideal for anyone seeking to pursue a career in the health and fitness industry, as a gym instructor or personal trainer. Plus, it would suit those wishing to use the qualification to progress on to further learning within health and fitness or active leisure sectors.

This is what some learners had to say after successfully completing their course, who were also thoroughly supported by their tutors:

Grant: “I am so very thankful to my tutors who helped me gain the qualification I now have. Since I completed the course, I am now employed by Virgin Active and have also been working freelance.

“This course is a humungous opportunity and the doors it opens for your life and career is amazing. I have trained people who have never walked in a gym before and have become professional athletes.

“The experience, knowledge and opportunities gained at college; has made me the personal trainer I am today. I started my course when I was 25, but there’s no time limit on when to start.”

Nawahl: “After having such a life changing experience through this qualification, I went on to study the level 3 course. Gaining the level 3, elevated me within my workplace – allowing me to put together programmes for gym members and help them reach their personal goals.

“These fitness qualifications not only changed my life, but it has changed people’s lives who I have been able to help through fitness.”

You can find out more about the level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing course here and the level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner) course here.

Please also feel free to come to our next Open Day on the 16th February 4-7pm.

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