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Counselling & Psychology

Why Choose BMet for University Level Counselling & Psychology?

  • Counselling and Applied Psychology HNC offers bespoke pathways in which a student can specialise within their field of interest
  • Smaller class sizes meaning more one-to-one tuition and support
  • Lower fees and flexible entry requirements


*We have robust approval procedures to ensure that our programmes of study offer a high-quality student academic experience.

This programme is awaiting the outcome of these approval processes and is ‘subject to validation’.

The majority of programmes with subject to validation status are approved; however, approval is not guaranteed, and should the programme not go ahead you will be informed by the College and assistance will be provided to those who have been offered a place to find a suitable alternative course.

If you have any further questions or need advice about the course you have applied for, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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