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FAQ's - Inclusive Support - Student Support - BMet College
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Inclusive Support FAQ’s

Please have a look at our frequently asked questions (FAQS) about inclusive support. If these don’t answer your particular question or you need more information, please email: Helen.cooper1@bmet.ac.uk.

How will the college know the support needs of a young person?

The young person needs to declare that they have support needs on their application/enrolment form so the college is aware.  The college may invite you in for an interview to discuss your support requirements.  All young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be invited in for an interview.   There are also opportunities for students to self-refer at any point during their course. 

How is the decision made about the type and the amount of support a student will receive?

Students with an EHCP will be supported according to the requirements outlined in the plan. If a student does not have a plan, support may be assessed through a Needs Assessment by one of our Inclusive Support Coordinators. An inclusion plan may then be drawn up and shared with the young person and their tutors

Will the young person get 1:1 support?

This depends upon the needs of the young person and what is stated in the EHCP.. The aim of all support is to promote and develop the independent skills of young people and prepare them for their next steps and adulthood.  At college, 1:1 support is not always one student with one member of staff. It may be one member of staff in a group where several students require support and the support worker supports each as required. There may be a small number of support workers who support a young person. The type of support will be decided on an individual basis. 

A young person is anxious about starting a mainstream college. How will you support transition?

The Inclusive Support Coordinators may offer a transition plan to ensure young people with SEND enjoy a smooth entry into college. This could include pre enrolment visits, meetings with relevant staff and taster sessions. The transition plan will be designed to meet the individual needs of the young person. 

How will the curriculum be matched to a young person’s needs?

All lessons are planned to make sure each young person gets the help they need to make good progress and become more independent.  The Inclusive Support Coordinators work closely with tutors to ensure reasonable adjustments can be made on an individual basis. 

What specialist services are available at college?

Our Learning Support Team are experienced in supporting students with:

  • Autism 
  • Dyslexia, Dyscalculia & Dyspraxia 
  • Sensory impairments 
  • Learning difficulties. 

Services available:

  • Access Arrangements Assessments (exam concessions) where applicable. These are not automatically transferred from school/previous placement. 
  • Mentors 
  • Counsellors 
  • Software is available on student computers to read out information on screen 
  • Assistive technology where required and requested in advance 
  • Lap tops with specialist software can be made available to students where required and requested in advance 
  • Sign language support workers. 

What if you do not have the expertise in college to meet a young person’s needs?

We also work closely with external agencies to meet the needs of young people as appropriate.  These include: 

  • Visual Impairment Team 
  • Hearing Impairment Team 
  • Communication Autism Team 
  • Speech and Language Support 
  • Educational Psychology Service 
  • Forward Thinking/CAMHS 
  • Connexions (depending upon local area). 


  • All college sites are accessible by wheelchair users. 
  • Disabled toilets are available in a number of areas at all sites 
  • Hoists are available for wheelchair users at some sites. 

What happens if a young person’s 1:1 support worker is not available?

Where possible, we will ensure a replacement is found. If this is not possible a message will be sent to the young person and explain what support has been arranged. 

How will I know how the young person is progressing?

There are two parents’ evenings during the academic year where you will have the opportunity to discuss the progress your young person is making. These are accompanied by a report.  The effectiveness of support and its impact is reviewed regularly. In addition you can contact a course tutor or allocated Inclusive Support Coordinator at any time. 

For students on entry level courses, we welcome parent/carer input with their personal goals and reviewing what impact their learning is having on them outside of college

What do I do if I am unhappy at college?

Contact your tutor or Inclusive Support Coordinator who will discuss your concerns and help you to resolve the issue.  We will also discuss your concerns at parents’ evenings. 

The college has support from college mentors and counselling and this may also help you to resolve the issues you are experiencing. 

An invite for feedback

This information is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information. If you would like to comment on the content or make suggestions for improvement of this information please email: Helen.cooper1@bmet.ac.uk.

If you have any queries please contact one of the following:

Main Switchboard – 0121 446 4545
James Watt College – Makeda O’Garro: Makeda.ogarro@bmet.ac.uk ext 2061
Matthew Boulton College – Vicky Robbins: vicky.robbins@bmet.ac.uk  ext 8111
Sutton Coldfield College – Ellen Boomer: ellen.boomer@bmet.ac.uk ext 5657

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